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Introduction/Q&A Session: 

This session will provide introduction to and answer any questions about MB-PhD / BDS-PhD component of the Scotland Centre Clinical Research Training Programme funded by CRUK. In 2022 the application deadline for MB-PhD / BDS-PhD positions is 21 March.

Four fully funded PhD positions per year for highly motivated University of Edinburgh or University of Glasgow MBChB or BDS students on completion of their intercalated BMedSci/BSc.

The MB-PhD / BDS-PhD programme has been designed to help develop the future leaders in cancer research by providing an early route to an academic career for highly promising students. This is part of the TRACC the joint Edinburgh – Glasgow clinical academic programme funded by Cancer Research UK, and involves significant cross-city co-operation. Successful candidates will be closely mentored by senior academic staff, will be placed into top research laboratories of their choice and will complete a three year PhD before returning back to fourth year of their MBChB or BDS course. Stipend will be provided.

Who is eligible to apply

Edinburgh & Glasgow University MBChB or BDS students currently in their intercalated BMedSci year (2021-2022)

Application deadline

21 March 2022


14 April 2022